"New Year's Resolutions"...
Now THERE's a four letter word with too many letters in it!
I haven't really ever done the whole resolution thing. At least not at New Year's. How about you? How are the ones you made only three weeks ago going for you?
Sometime right in the vicinity of the beginning of the year I sort of "decided" to try and write more in this blog. This was NOT a resolution but a nice idea that I was going to try to do. I even created an alarm on my Outlook calendar here in the office to help me keep up with it. I missed last week but since it was NOT a resolution...I'm still OK.
I tend to fight off the whole resolution idea because it depresses me how bad we all are at keeping them. I feel like I really don't need another reason to not like myself so I just don't begin to do them. This would tend to make my life one of mediocrity. Our pastor, Tom Oyler, gave us a quote from a professor of his that fits in pretty well at this point so I'll try to remember it...
Wow! Sort of hits me right between the eyes! I really don't want to be that way but without effort on my part that's exactly where I end up naturally.
OK, so I still don't think that resolutions are the answer to the problem. I think people who live by them should be taxed. Or tortured.
What I really need is for the Lord to take my good intentions (we all have THOSE!) and turn them into action that produces results. Although He is very good at doing just that, it seems that my life is less than optimal mostly due to the fact that I don't hold up on my part of the deal.
I really need help with this. Anyone have any wisdom to share on the subject? Any neat ideas? If you do, please respond to this post in a comment (see the buttons below) and let us all in on what you've learned.
Oh, and while you're at it, you can sign up to get an automatic email notifacation of when I write in my blog. Just enter your email in the sign in area on the sidebar on the right and hit the button and you're on your way. If many of you do this, it will actually make me more likely to follow through with my "good intentions" of writing frequently because so many of you will be checking up on me. You'll be helping me out in an off-hand sort of way. Thanks.
I almost forgot...I did resolve to drink more coffee...workin' on that one right now. And I gave up liver for Lent last year...that's going great for me!
~ jefe
Now THERE's a four letter word with too many letters in it!
I haven't really ever done the whole resolution thing. At least not at New Year's. How about you? How are the ones you made only three weeks ago going for you?

I tend to fight off the whole resolution idea because it depresses me how bad we all are at keeping them. I feel like I really don't need another reason to not like myself so I just don't begin to do them. This would tend to make my life one of mediocrity. Our pastor, Tom Oyler, gave us a quote from a professor of his that fits in pretty well at this point so I'll try to remember it...
"I've never met anyone who planned on having a mediocre life,
but I've met many people who live a mediocre life."
Wow! Sort of hits me right between the eyes! I really don't want to be that way but without effort on my part that's exactly where I end up naturally.
OK, so I still don't think that resolutions are the answer to the problem. I think people who live by them should be taxed. Or tortured.
What I really need is for the Lord to take my good intentions (we all have THOSE!) and turn them into action that produces results. Although He is very good at doing just that, it seems that my life is less than optimal mostly due to the fact that I don't hold up on my part of the deal.

Oh, and while you're at it, you can sign up to get an automatic email notifacation of when I write in my blog. Just enter your email in the sign in area on the sidebar on the right and hit the button and you're on your way. If many of you do this, it will actually make me more likely to follow through with my "good intentions" of writing frequently because so many of you will be checking up on me. You'll be helping me out in an off-hand sort of way. Thanks.
I almost forgot...I did resolve to drink more coffee...workin' on that one right now. And I gave up liver for Lent last year...that's going great for me!
~ jefe
I got one word for you: Accountability.
Find yourself a faithful accountability partner who will care about whatever it is you are making a resolution about and they will surely help you follow through.
Dad, you are amazing. :) I hope your coffee "resolution" works out--I know you're pretty good about the whole liver thing.
I have something that might help. Write down simple morning and evening routines. And, do them. Then when you get that mastered let me know and I will give you another idea.
Mama <3
A friend sent this to my email...good one! - “If you don't know where you are going, any train will get you there.” The point is this: Every great endeavor requires a clear mission directive. This is not necessarily a resolution, but a well thought plan of attack. Hope this helps.
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