We’re currently in Adventure Quest 3. Actually, we’re on our annual vacation. Our family is relaxing at Hilton Head and enjoying the sun and sand. Well, rain today but it has been pretty nice! Check out the pictures of us trying to catch some crabs!!
But back at the home front at DRG, Adventure Quest 1 and 2 went really well. Our summer staff is once again super! We’re really enjoying getting to know them. They come from all over, even as far away as Arizona, Minnesota and Guatemala! This week there have been physical challenges with some of the questers so please continue to pray for safety as the activities occur.
For Pam , moving to the new location for the DRG Outfitters store at the end of May was a huge challenge but was accomplished through incredibly supportive volunteer help (thank you John and Matt) and a great team of summer staff who carried box after box to the new location. With huge amounts of help, we were able to set up the new store and the quote that I hear the most is: “It looks like a real store now!” It’s been fun to be in a very central place where people walk by all the time and visit.
Jeff’s in charge of Track One at DRG which includes the following activities: Challenge Course, Tree Climb, Double Leap of Faith and Mountain Biking. With excellent leadership assistance from Vince and Kristy, Jeff is now going to take the summer off – just kidding! Truly, he has a great staff (including our son Ben!) and is looking forward to great things from them.
Please continue to pray for the spiritual influence that we at DRG will have on questers, summer staff and others who come alongside us here.
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