Monday, January 29, 2007

Happy (Belated) New Year

Welcome 2007!'s cold in east TN. I miss the weather in Guatemala this time of year! The kids are dying for snow but I'm not!

Since we last wrote, we are halfway through this school year, Sharon's been accepted to college, Ben finished Driver's Ed, Luke is going to try track this spring and Caleb's in Show Choir (performing "Jungle Book") -- he's going to be a "rock"?? Some new experiences for us!

I've continued to substitute teach and January's been busier than December, which is rare. I'm also trying to get out to DRG and work on the Inventory in the Gift Shop with another staff wife. So far, we haven't made much progress but we really hope to soon :) Volunteers anyone?

It's been one year since my mom was diagnosed with uterine cancer. She finished all the chemo and radiation at the end of September and she is feeling fine! Isn't that great? Thank the Lord with us!

Jeff and the Activities Team are planning for Adventure Quest 2007. As always, there are changes in activities and structure but I'll let him tell you all about that next time.

~ Pam

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